Jeni Sykes

We all have strengths and weaknesses and there's not an ounce of shame in it. – Great advice from Jeni Sykes

I recently wrote about the Changing Face of Spa, specifically about three spa concepts that are changing our industry: Skin Laundry, FaceHaus, and Heyday. It is always a delight for me to meet the people behind these new concepts – the brains that are contributing to the evolution of our industry. Meet Jeni Sykes, Head of Skin care for Heyday.

AP: What city were you born in? JS: Denver, Colorado. There’s a little poem about the city that’s always stayed with me:

Denver, Queen City of the plains
Lift high our spirits
Sing well our praise
For in you
We live
And are loved.

Simple. But speaks to a type of kindness and heart you find in Denver natives 🙂

AP: What city to do you live in? JS: Brooklyn, NY – my chosen home, also very close to my heart.

AP: What is your middle name? JS: Marie.

AP: What is your astrological sign? JS: I’m on the cusp of Cancer and Gemini. Born on the day of the blissful wizard.

AP: What is something about you most people don’t know? JS: Actually, I hear “I didn’t know that about you!” fairly often. I’ve always been the one who’s asking questions and listening intently…  Despite being a natural leader and someone who’s spent all day every day for years connecting to people through my practice and managing teams in hospitality, I’m also an introvert and have historically been pretty private as well. I’m one of those odd Millennials who’s lived largely off the grid digitally. That said, I feel very aware at this point in my life though that it’s time to start putting myself out there too, that sharing is a powerful thing. This is the beginning of a new chapter for me in that respect.

AP: What is your most prized possession? JS: I would have to say my hands. I’m not particularly attached to many things, but if it weren’t for my hands I wouldn’t be able to do all the things I love, from cooking and painting to my work in skincare.

AP: If you could have dinner with the person of your choice, who would it be? JS: If it were a stranger, it would definitely be bell hooks or Cornell West. But above them, I’d have dinner with one of my best friends who passed away a few years ago. It’s easy to take for granted the amazing and inspirational people we have right in front of us until they’re not there anymore.

AP: Describe your fashion style in three words maximum. JS: Minimal, unembellished, and considered.

AP: Do you wear a watch? If yes, what model? JS: Either this little all black resin Casio because it’s a little irreverent, perfectly minimal, and reminds me of my brother when we were kids, or a small vintage watch face I wear on a long thin chain around my neck, usually tucked into my shirt. I went through a serious watch phase, but I find that watches are attention pieces, and ultimately I prefer the feeling of being very understated where adornment is concerned.

AP: Diamonds or pearls? JS: Citrine and Coral 🙂

AP: What is your #1 beauty secret? JS: Water and oil. Guzzle water like its glam and get into high quality seed and essential oils. Both are game changers, both for how you look and how you feel.

AP: What fragrance do you wear? JS: Hermes, Un Jardin en Mediterranee

AP: Botox or not? JS: Not for me, but I believe everyone should be empowered to care for their image in the ways that make them happy with the reflection they see in the mirror each day. Wherever that journey takes you, from cosmetic procedures to reclaiming natural curls, your body is your own. When it comes to supporting my clients who opt for more invasive procedures, my top concern is maintaining healthy, balanced skin along the way. Healthy skin that has what it needs to heal quickly will mean the better results on any cosmetic investment.

AP: Hair color: natural or not? JS: Natural, but about twice a year I consider how I might work some deep vibrant blue into the mix… like indigo, something rich and alive. When I figure out how to pull it off elegantly I’ll send pics 🙂

AP: What are your special diet tips, if any? JS: I think the biggest thing is letting yourself feel your body enough to be attuned to the feeling of being full, loving your body enough to listen to those cues and respect what it’s asking you for, and when it’s asking you to stop. Bodies are surprisingly smart and communicative, but it’s so easy to get disconnected from ourselves in this way. With skin, I’m constantly seeking ways to help clients learn to check in with how they feel, and what counts as a good or not so good feeling when it comes to this organ. I think eating is the same.

Also I don’t believe in deprivation. I’m a lover of good fats (hello nuts, avocado & high quality oils), dark chocolate, red wine, and perfectly crafted tiny pastries. If the base of your diet is mindful, balanced and full of bright, happy, healthy foods, there’s room to treat yourself to regular little indulgences too.

AP: What do you do for exercise? JS: Pilates and yoga (could you guess?), but recently I also started running, which I never thought I’d be interested in. One of the Skin Therapists at the shop came in so infectiously enthused about a charity run and the idea of having a Heyday team that I agreed to step way out of my comfort zone and participate. I’m surprised at how great it feels.

AP: What are three things that you always have in your fridge? JS: A variety of greens/seasonal veggies, a giant batch of amaranth or quinoa as the week’s base, and at least five varieties of salsas and hot sauces. I love heat! I have memories from growing up in the Southwest, peeling giant bags of roasted green chiles to freeze and have on hand year round. In the freezer – Coffee or Vanilla frozen yogurt. Rain or shine.

AP: What is your cocktail of choice? JS: I like having fun with simple bases, gin & tonic does it for me – but my latest obsession is infusions. Basil or rosemary are both great notes, and can be easily paired with the standard fresh cucumber or lime. Infusing a variety of citruses (grapefruit, lemon, lime) with mint and a few coriander seeds is also pretty divine, and you can always add a touch of agave or another sweet profile to soften up your finished glass, depending on the primary herbs.

AP: What is your secret to work/life balance? JS: Haha, well opening a new business has me figuring this out all over again, especially as someone who is passionately absorbed in my work as a part of what makes me feel happy and fulfilled. But to me the key is actually establishing a consistent routine. It can seem counter-intuitive, but nothing lets you free up time and energy the same way as structuring time. A mentor also taught me to schedule the personal items that keep me in balance first, and figure out how the remaining time needs to be managed to get the rest done each day. So for example, I set aside a specific half-day each week that I tend to my home, cook, and work on creative projects. This is also my self care time (why not face mask while you tidy?).

Also, I believe in at least one dinner/drink/call a week with a friend you can be completely yourself around. Even if you go through a time when you can’t be as social as you’d like, a little of the the grounding perspective and laughter that comes from the people who love you no matter what you do or how well you do it goes a long way.

AP: What are your three top tips for travel? JS: 1. Bring a hydrating mask for during or after flights – your skin with thank you every time. 2. Don’t neglect drinking water – It’s obvious but also one many people seriously forget about. 3. Bring a mobile comfort zone! Smell is a very powerful thing, so something as simple as a great face mist with a scent that makes you feel awesome and an essential oil blend that will help you get deeper sleep in a new environment can really help make every travel day a good one.

AP: 3 songs on your ipod right now. JS: 1. Wye Oak – Logic of Color; 2. Bonnie Rait – Love in the Nick of Time; 3. Ana Tijoux – Mi Verdad

AP: What book are you reading right now? JS: I always read a few at a time. Right now, I am reading Daring Greatly by Brene Brown, Every Day is For the Thief by Teju Cole, and The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg.

AP: Quote to live by. JS:

“Life can be much broader once you discover one simple fact, and that is – everything around you that you call life, was made up by people that were no smarter than you. And you can change it, you can influence it, you can build your own things that other people can use…That’s maybe the most important thing. It’s to shake off this erroneous notion that life is there and you’re just gonna live in it, versus embrace it, change it, improve it, make your mark upon it…Once you learn that, you’ll never be the same again.”

– Steve Jobs

AP: What is your worst pet peeve? JS: When people assert that something isn’t possible before they’ve tried or after trying only one way, and without seeking help and advice.

AP: What time do you usually wake up in the morning, and how many hours of sleep do you usually get? JS: I am highest functioning with a full 8 hours or more, every night, but right now I’m in a phase of life where I can only realistically prioritize 6 hours on average. I generally wake between 6:30-8am, and I try to let myself go slowly in the first hour of the day.

 AP: What is your favorite thing about the beauty industry? JS: There are so many professionals in this industry with profound kindness, warmth, and grace, who have lived incredibly interesting lives and have fascinating stories to tell. I also feel grateful every day to work with people who feel and care openly in environments focused on helping, sharing with, and giving to others.

AP: Least favorite thing. JS: Despite the deep values that bring many of us to practice in beauty and the healing therapies in general, to be frank I believe the beauty industry is one of the biggest propagators of misogyny and systemic racism in our culture. The history is deep and troubling, but I believe that we have the power to start changing this. I already see this pot bubbling up in a new way for my generation – we are savvy to the sell in anything and for a long time beauty has been sold to many women on the tenets of fear, shame, and guilt. I believe it’s imperative that we start demanding a new level of conversation (with both our voices and our dollars) around our own definitions of beauty and the power of self-care and self expression.

AP: Who is your mentor? JS: I have several, in and outside of my industry. Two of them are inspiring estheticians who over the years have each worked in direct practice, managed national training/education programs, and worked alongside chemists and R&D teams for major beauty brands and small, passionate cosmeceutical lines alike. They’ve both shown me that our industry holds enormous opportunity for variety, adventure, and evolving professional challenge. Another, Julia, I have the blessing and fortune of working with today. She’s an industry vet who has lived the thrills and challenges of a COO scaling incredibly successful national spa brands. She’s a fearless truth-teller and a sharp business woman with kindness, humor and warmth that I admire and respect immensely.

AP: Words of advice for young women starting their careers today. JS: Learn about your strengths and weaknesses. Be able to articulate them. We all have both and there’s not an ounce of shame in it. Play to your strengths and rather than getting stuck beating yourself up over or focusing a great deal of energy on the things you struggle with or that drain your energy and loose your attention, instead focus on how to build relationships and teams around you with people who excel where you do not, complimenting your natural weaknesses with their strengths, and vice versa.

This is not to say that you shouldn’t try to develop and grow beyond what comes naturally – you have you challenge yourself and take risks in life. There comes a point for even the most talented people where you’ll have to work for it, where you’ll find yourself on the ground or feeling not good enough or not ready for an opportunity before you and you have to stand up, take a deep breath and give it your all. But that can also look like taking natural skills to the next level, or developing some of the core professional skills which will better allow you to run with your greatest talents. The point is, the more you can align what you pursue in life to who you are and where your strengths lie naturally, the more graceful and successful you can become in whatever you do.



“How you spend your days is how you spend your life.” And other advice from Erin Kuhn, QMunity Relations Director, Qnity Inc.

Erin Kuhn, QMunity Relations Director at Qnity Inc., and I met recently in Chicago at an event she and her father organized. 2 TO 10, an annual event that brings together salon owners who have between 2 and 10 locations, is an industry leader if an event can be described as such. She was in full work mode, and I admired her from afar, watching her interact with the salon owners, and also with her father. It is no surprise that I am always particularly intrigued by daughters and fathers working together… While we are at the beginning of our friendship, I can tell that our love for the beauty industry, family business, prosecco, and books is a wonderful foundation! Now I just need to make it to Chicago more often…

AP: What city were you born in? EK: Golden Valley, MN.

AP: What city do you live in? EK: Chicago, IL.

AP: What is your middle name? EK: Lisabeth (My mom pronounces it like Elizabeth without the E, my dad pronounces it like the two names Lisa and Beth put together. It’s an ongoing debate which pronunciation is correct.

AP: What is your astrological sign? EK: Leo.

AP: What is something about you most people don’t know? EK: I became almost completely vegetarian at the age of 7, and remain completely today.

AP: What is your most prized possession? EK: Books- I go back to my favorite ones constantly.

AP: If you could have dinner with the person of your choice, who would it be? EK: Gosh, tons of people. Leonardo Dicaprio? Only because I’ve been in love with him since I was 6.

AP: Describe your fashion style in three words maximum. EK: Simple, comfortable, minimal.

AP: Do you wear a watch? If yes, what model? EK: Definitely not; a watch would irritate me.

AP: Diamonds or pearls? EK: Pearls, except diamonds if it involves my left hand.

AP: What is your #1 beauty secret? EK: Exercise and healthy eating. When I am active, I look and feel better.

AP: What fragrance do you wear? EK: Aveda Air Control hair spray, lots of it. Otherwise “White Amber” from this boutique in Minneapolis, it’s light and simple. I love it.

AP: Botox or not? EK: No botox. I’d like to think that a healthy lifestyle will prevent the need. Also, I hate needles.

AP: Hair color: natural or not? EK: I believe natural is always best in beauty. However, being a natural dirty blonde and getting darker as I get older, I’m okay with a little intervention. So Natural-ish.

AP: What are your special diet tips, if any? EK: From my mother: Eat real foods in moderation and mostly plants. I also drink lots of water and generally try to avoid processed foods.

AP: What do you do for exercise? EK: I go through phases to keep it interesting. I’ve found weights and interval running are the most effective for my body in the least amount of time.

AP: What are three things that you always have in your fridge? EK: Prosecco, veggies, and apples.

AP: What is your cocktail of choice? EK: Prosecco or red wine.

AP: What is your secret to work/life balance? EK: Work life balance, something I am still trying to get better at. Schedule social time in advance, exercise and mediate. I am more effective in all areas of life when I do all three.

AP: How many miles do you fly per year on average? EK: Gosh- I have never even checked. Definitely not as much as Ada! Due to our great education team, my travel schedule has lessened a bit in the past year. Which I will say, I have enjoyed.

AP: What are your three top tips for travel? EK: When I do travel, I try to make time for exercise and not to overindulge in wine during events/dinners. Doing this makes the transition back home a little smoother.

AP: 3 songs on your ipod right now. EK: I’ll give you one- Photograph by Ed Sheeran, I don’t want to name the others. I listen to kind of embarrassing music :).

AP: What book are you reading right now? EK: Mountains beyond Mountains.

AP: Quote to live by. EK: “How you spend your days is how you spend your life.” Also, from my amazing mother, “Always be a W-O-A. (Woman of Action)”

AP: What is your worst pet peeve? EK: Humidity and dishonesty.

AP: What time do you usually wake up in the morning, and how many hours of sleep do you usually get? EK: I need 7-8 hours of sleep. For beauty and sanity. I wake up between 5 am-7 am depending on what time I go to sleep.

AP: What is your favorite thing about the beauty industry? EK: Everyone LOVES what they do. It’s not a J-O-B for anyone, and that is what I love more than anything.

AP: Least favorite thing. EK: Getting ready. I love the outcome, but the process feels like an inefficient use of my time.

AP: Who is your mentor? EK: My mentor- I would say I have a lot. A lot of people I admire and learn from, in this industry and others. Places I look to for wisdom are books, God, my family, and great friends.

AP: Words of advice for young women starting their careers today. EK: I am hardly an expert, but what I would say at this point in my life is to surround yourself with good people and do what you love. You will be a product of your environment, so be intentional about the environment you create.

Theo Kogan

I am never less alone than when alone and other musings by Theo Kogan

I love a great all-girl punk band – partly because of the girl power that emanates

from them. So when I learned that a friend was working with Theo Kogan’s

Armour Beauty, I had to learn more about both Lunachicks (said all-girl punk

band), and Theo & The Skyscrapers. And then I really had to learn more about

Theo Kogan, singer, songwriter, actress, model, and beauty entrepreneur.

I have been partial to NARS lipsticks forever, but they now have serious

competition… Armour Beauty’s all-natural lip-glosses are the perfect accessory

for the warmer months. And who can resist a lip-gloss named after a band or a


Get to know Armour Beauty founder Theo Kogan a little better.


AP: What city were you born in? TK: Quito, Ecuador.

AP: What city do you live in? TK: Brooklyn, NY.

AP: What is your middle name? TK: Ann.

AP: What is your astrological sign? TK: Capricorn.

AP: What is something about you most people don’t know? TK: I love olives.

AP: Do you wear a watch? If yes, what model? TK: Nope…

AP: Diamonds or pearls? TK: Diamonds.

AP: What is your #1 beauty secret? TK: Sleep. Drink water. Don’t smoke.

AP: What fragrance do you wear? TK: Right now, Dark Wave oil by OLO.

AP: Botox or not? TK: Nope.

AP: Hair color: natural or not? TK: Not natural, that is for sure!

AP: What are your special diet tips, if any? TK: Consume less sugar and exercise.

AP: What do you do for exercise? TK: I rotate the gym and yoga.

AP: What are three things that you always have in your fridge? TK: Hot sauce,

non dairy milks, and chocolate.

AP: What is your cocktail of choice? TK: Champagne.

AP: What is your secret to work/life balance? TK: I try to have weekends off

especially for time with my daughter, but I do have to work some of them.

AP: How many miles do you fly per year on average? TK: Hard to say this year,

not so much but some years a lot.

AP: What are your three top tips for travel? TK: Hand sanitizer, lip balm, water,

and tabloids. Oops that’s 4.

AP: 3 songs on your ipod right now. TK: 9 to 5 by Dolly Parton, Black Out Days

by Phantogram, The Wizard by Black Sabbath.

AP: What book are you reading right now? TK: Clothes,Clothes,Clothes,

Music,Music Music, Boys, Boys, Boys, a memoir by Viv Albertine.

AP: Quote to live by. TK: I am never less alone than when alone.

AP: What is your worst pet peeve? TK: Public nail clipping and whistling.

AP: What time do you usually wake up in the morning, and how many hours of

sleep do you usually get? TK: 7 am- ish I try to get 8-9 hours per night.

AP: What is your favorite thing about the beauty industry? TK: Playing with


AP: Least favorite thing. TK: The struggle, the fight. 😉

AP: Who is your mentor? TK: James Vincent, MUA.

AP: Words of advice for young women starting their careers today. TK: Don’t let

anyone knock you down and if they do, get right back up.

Suelyn Farel

“Life is too short to eat salad without dressing” – advice from Suelyn Farel

Almost a year ago, I met Suelyn Farel, CEO of Julien Farel Group at the WWD Beauty CEO Summit. I was struck by her oversized black sunglasses (we were at the Breakers), her connection to France, and the air of kindness about her. We made plans to connect back in NYC, which finally happened a month or so ago when she treated me to a salon service and to amazing Julien Farel hair products, including the Magnifique Fortifying Serum. During our simultaneous blow-drys and over coffee, we shared stories of the beauty industry, compared notes on our favorite products and spas, and became friends, discovering we have much in common (including a 5 am wakeup time, the necessity of having champagne in the fridge at all times, and the fact that working with family means work/life balance is not something we can even begin to comprehend).

AP: What city were you born in? SF: White Plains, NY.

AP: What city to do you live in? SF: New York, NY.

AP: What is your middle name? SF: I do not have a middle name. My maiden name was “Bogdanoff” and with Suelyn being my first name, my parents couldn’t find something that would fit in between the two!

AP: What is your astrological sign? SF: Sagittarius.

AP: What is something about you most people don’t know? SF: I graduated from college in 3 years.

AP: What is your most prized possession? SF: My family.

AP: If you could have dinner with the person of your choice, who would it be? SF: My husband.

AP: Describe your fashion style in three words maximum. SF: Elegant, sporty, and black.

AP: Do you wear a watch? If yes, what model? SF: Yes. I switch between a Panerai / Bulgari for work, and wear a diamond Cartier Pasha for evening.

AP: Diamonds or pearls? SF: DIAMONDS ALL THE WAY!

AP: What is your #1 beauty secret? SF: Sleep.

AP: What fragrance do you wear? SF: I’ll never tell!

AP: Botox or not? SF: Not but I’m weighing the options as I age.

AP: Hair color: natural or not? SF: Hair color definitely NOT NATURAL.

AP: What are your special diet tips, if any? SF: Diet tip #1: Starbucks for breakfast. Diet tip #2: Eat everything in moderation. Don’t limit yourself in the foods that you eat, just eat the right quantities. Life is too short to eat salad without dressing!

AP: What do you do for exercise? SF: I have a fantastic personal trainer, Christina De Almeida, at JF Fitness at Julien Farel Restore Salon & Spa.

AP: What are three things that you always have in your fridge? SF: Pommery Champagne, Evian and mustard.

AP: What is your cocktail of choice? SF: Tigre Blanc vodka with a splash of cranberry and two slices of lemon.

AP: What is your secret to work/life balance? SF: There is no such thing as balance in my world. Work permeates every part of my life, being that I work with my husband. There is no separation between who I am and what I do!

AP: How many miles do you fly per year on average? SF: 50-60,000 miles.

AP: What are your three top tips for travel? SF: 1) Pack lots of layers and scarves, 2) For my hair: Julien Farel Smooth Crème to smooth flyways, Janeke mini travel brush+always have an elastic on my wrist, and 3) Alchimie Dry Skin Balm for my super-dry ‘airplane hands.’

AP: 3 songs on your ipod right now. SF: Blank Space by Taylor Swift, which I sing with my girls plus two workout songs always on my iPod are Survivor by Destiny’s Child and Lose Yourself by Eminem.

AP: What book are you reading right now? SF: All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr which takes place in St Malo, France.  I loved the book so much that I’m bringing my mom there this year, because she gifted that book to me after having read it!

AP: Quote to live by. SF: “Work hard, play hard!”

AP: What is your worst pet peeve? SF: Laziness and dishonesty compete for the top spot.

AP: What time do you usually wake up in the morning, and how many hours of sleep do you usually get? SF: I wake up at 5:00am because my husband goes for a run every morning and I am an early riser! I usually sleep about 6 and a half hours a night.

AP: What is your favorite thing about the beauty industry? SF: The beauty industry is filled with amazing women who are supportive, smart and savvy. The mentality is that “we are all in it together,” which is very different from fashion and what’s in many other industries. I really admire most, if not all, of the women I have met in beauty. It is a great club to be a part of.

AP: Least favorite thing. SF: Well, as the mother of young girls, I worry about the influence this industry may have on my girls… the look of perfection in an industry where everything is so nipped, tucked, buffed and perfect. I love the Dove Real Women campaign where they show true beauty by being yourself regardless of imperfections. A lot of marketing around beauty and fashion is so airbrushed and plastic. I love looking great but most days of the week I don’t wear makeup. And I’m okay with that real image being presented.

AP: Who is your mentor? SF: I’m not much of a follower, so I honestly haven’t really had a mentor. I do have women in beauty who inspire me and who I admire like Essie Weingarten, Jane Lauder, Debbie Perelman. And Bobbi Brown!  Bobbi remains so tied to her brand and down to earth. When I met her, a few years ago, she smiled and gave me one piece of advice and that was, “Don’t fuck with your face.” Since we are in the beauty industry, it is hard to stay away from the invasive options out there!  But, hearing that from Bobbi Brown, that will stay with me forever.

AP: Words of advice for young women starting their careers today. SF: Find what you love. If it feels like work, change jobs or careers. Nothing replaces hard work. There is no real magic. If you keep working hard, you will get there. Never stop dreaming. If you keep dreaming, you can make it happen. Don’t be afraid to stick to what you believe in. Young women have many innovative & interesting ideas and insights that they bring to companies, that are completely different from the insights of professionals more senior in their career. Don’t be afraid to share them!

Deanna Melluso

BeautyView: Deanna Melluso, Fashion and Celebrity Makeup Artist

Makeup artists are like magicians. While I personally use minimal makeup (mascara and lipstick, sometimes a third product), I am fascinated by the transformation that can happen when the right makeup is used by the right artist. I am also fascinated by the fact that the makeup artists I have had the pleasure to meet remind me of the visual artists I grew up surrounded with thanks to my parents’ involvement in the contemporary art world. Both groups are similarly creative, visual, and creators (cravors?) of beauty. Deanna Melluso, fashion and celebrity makeup artist (represented by The Wall Group), has the added charm of looking like Cher when she was at the height of her youth and beauty, and of having a fabulous sense of humor (follow her on Instagram to giggle daily… one of my favorites, relevant to today: “If Monday had a face, I would punch it.”).
AP: What city were you born in? DM: Brooklyn, NY.

AP: What city to do you live in? DM: New York, NY. Not far from where I was born… (Editor’s note: Another favorite Instagram post admitted “Why go to therapy when I can just live in New York and be weird?”)

AP: What is your middle name? DM: Leigh.

AP: What is your astrological sign? DM: Aries.

AP: What is something about you most people don’t know? DM: I love classic movies. I get lost in the hair makeup and styling. For example, Singing in the Rain is one of my favorites…

AP: What is your most prized possession? DM: My record collection.

AP: If you could have dinner with the person of your choice, who would it be? DM: Tina Turner.

AP: Describe your fashion style in three words maximum. DM: 80s, sporty, goth.

AP: Do you wear a watch? If yes, what model? DM: I don’t like watches…

AP: Diamonds or pearls? DM: Diamonds, but only if they are vintage, like from the 30s or 40s.

AP: What is your #1 beauty secret? DM: I love using dry oil mixed with moisturizer. It keeps the skin dewy and fresh.

AP: What fragrance do you wear? DM: My fragrance is Sud Pacifique in Aqua Moto; it smells like then beach and coconut which I’m obsessed with.

AP: Botox or not? DM: I am not sure… As long as it’s not too much, and if it makes you feel good I guess why not.

AP: Hair color: natural or not? DM: Natural but if I had straight hair I would color it all the time.

AP: What are your special diet tips, if any? DM: Drink lots of water, take probiotics and omega 3 oil, and eat avocado, which will help your skin glow.

AP: What do you do for exercise? DM: I do a lot… I do Pilates, cycling and lots of squats and a boot camp. I love the working out good to clear your head.

AP: What are three things that you always have in your fridge? DM: Avocado (see my diet tips recommendation); almond milk; and Justin’s almond butter.

AP: What is your cocktail of choice? DM: A great margarita, but without the sugar.

AP: What is your secret to work/life balance? DM: The secret to work and a balance life is give yourself time, and spend time with friends. I have  also started to meditate and that has been helpful.

AP: How many miles do you fly per year on average? DM: My miles per year vary year over year. I  hope to fly more this year and get to Thailand. Any takers?

AP: What are your three top tips for travel? DM: 1. When I get on the plane I usually put on a moisture mask or Elizabeth Arden 8 hour cream to help with the plane drying my skin out. 2. I drink lots of water. 3. I always carry a mini emergency bag with toiletries.

AP: 3 songs on your ipod right now. DM: Arcade Fire Reflektor, D’Angelo Ain’t that Easy, and Beyoncé Run the World (Girls).

AP: What book are you reading right now? DM: Girl Boss by Sophia Amuruso from Nasty Gal.

AP: Quote to live by. DM: I’m a woman Phenomenally. Phenomenal woman, that’s me.” Maya Angelou.

AP: What is your worst pet peeve? DM: A 5-floor walkup!

AP: What time do you usually wake up in the morning, and how many hours of sleep do you usually get? DM: My mornings vary depending on my jobs. If I work a full day, I usually get up at 5:30 and go to the gym. If I’m not working I get up around 7:30 or 8. If I had it my way I would sleep for 8 hours every night. I don’t have it my way however…

AP: What is your favorite thing about the beauty industry? DM: The creativity that the industry breeds, and being able to meet so many interesting people.

AP: Your least favorite thing: DM: Chapped, dry lips.

AP: Who is your mentor? DM: This is a tough one but I would say my Grandma who is a strong women and has been through a lot. Also she loves her makeup.

AP: Words of advice for young women starting their careers today. DM: Believe in yourself, keep moving forward  and stand up for what you believe in.

The Face Haus

"You do you." And other pearls of wisdom from Jennifer Worley, The Face Haus

A few of the things I like best about the US are entrepreneurship, dynamism, and people’s openness and willingness to share their stories. Jennifer Worley, Co-Founder/Owner & Chief Operating Officer of The Face Haus, embodies all three. I cold emailed her a long introduction email listing the many things I admired about her concept and story, and asked if we might meet for coffee in sunny LA. And we did, sharing stories about the beauty industry, new trends in the business, the joys and frustrations of owning our own businesses. I learned more about The Face Haus, the brainchild she had with two girlfriends, a concept she describes as “the Dry Bar of facials.” Focused on results-oriented, no frills, 45 minute treatments, her locations attract teenagers, men, and the traditional spa guest. With two locations and many more on the way, a family to take care of (along with a plethora of pets as you will see below), Jennifer still found time to share her story.

AP: What city were you born in? JW: I was born in sunny Long Beach, California.

AP: What city to do you live in? JW: I live in Pasadena CA with my husband, four kids, two dogs, rabbit (my least favorite housemate) and fish.

AP: What is your middle name? JW: Lisa, which strangely always reminds me of a porn star name from the 80’s.

AP: What is your astrological sign? JW: I’m a Cancer: motherly, creative and always in need of a comfy home base.

AP: What is something about you most people don’t know? JW: I worked as deckhand on an Alaskan fishing boat. True story.

AP: What is your most prized possession? JW: My sense of joy.

AP: If you could have dinner with the person of your choice, who would it be? JW: My great great grandmother Lucy Fox.

AP: Do you wear a watch? If yes, what model? JW: Nope. Viva la iPhone.

AP: Diamonds or pearls? JW: Rose gold.

AP: What is your #1 beauty secret? JW: Exfoliate and hydrate even if you’re low maintenance like me. And ALWAYS wear sunscreen.

AP: What fragrance do you wear? JW: Two favorites: Byredo bal d’afrique  and Le Labo Rose 31.

AP: Botox or not? JW: Whatever makes people feel good about themselves. Definitely a little freaked out about the whole Botulism idea though.

AP: Hair color: natural or not? JW: Both rock!

AP: What are your special diet tips, if any? JW: Eat fresh whole foods.

AP: What are three things that you always have in your fridge? JW: Sparkling water, Lemon and Salam Oelek (if you don’t know what this is – GET IT!).

AP: What is your cocktail of choice? JW: My Face Haus partners and I have a tradition of drinking Jalapeño Margaritas with fresh lime juice for good luck.

AP: What book are you reading right now? JW: The Rosie Project and Boys on the Boat. 

AP: Quote to live by.  JW: “You do You.” My family chooses a motto each year and “You do You” won for 2015.

AP: What time do you usually wake up in the morning, and how many hours of sleep do you usually get? JW: It depends, and not enough!

AP: What is your favorite thing about the beauty industry? JW: People glowing with self-confidence.

AP: Least favorite thing. JW: Unreliability.

AP: Who is your mentor? JW: Anyone who inspires me to challenge myself.

AP: Words of advice for young women starting their careers today. JW: As my 15 year old would say “Haters gonna hate.” Surround yourself with inspiring supportive people, work hard, and get back up when you fail. And don’t forget to pause and enjoy what’s around you.