Back to fall… Labor day planning

As has become a tradition on Labor Day, I am sitting at the kitchen bar, planning, thinking, working, inspired by the incomprehensible cooking activity happening around me: shrimp is being boiled, ribs are being smoked, burgers are being shaped, corn is being buttered (thank you Caitlin and Josh). Meanwhile, enjoying leftover smells of eggs, grits, and bacon that were consumed a couple of hours ago, I am preparing my fall.

I have written about my attachment to “back to school” and the adult version of it, “back to fall” as I have come to think of it. This is how today I celebrated this Labor Day:

  • Reviewing the goals I wrote down the first week of January, checking things off, highlighting things which have yet to be accomplished.
  • Making a new goal sheet (using my 9-grid pad of course) to remind myself of my priorities for the coming four months.
  • Sorting my email inbox both chronologically and by sender, and went through each of my 1,167 emails. Result: I am down to 872.
  • Tackling one item on my never-ending to-do list that has been weighing on me for over a month. And I feel so much lighter for it.
  • Reviewing the list of “things that make me happy.” It’s a list that came out of my accountability group – a list that serves to remind me of the simplicity of happiness.

There are 116 days left in 2016 – and I am energized, excited, and eager.

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